August Schleicher | Rüdiger Stenzel | Rüdiger Grube | Schleicher's fable | Schleicher Ka 6 | Schleicher ASW 24 | Schleicher ASK 21 | Schleicher K 8 | Rüdiger von der Goltz | Rüdiger Safranski | Rüdiger Nehberg | Rüdiger Abramczik | Régis Schleicher | Horst-Rüdiger Schlöske | Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg | Alexander Schleicher |
Through his brother Dietrich, he had contacts with the church resistance, and through his brothers-in-law, Justus Delbrück, Dohnanyi and Rüdiger Schleicher, he had many contacts in the military resistance to Hitler, especially in the circle about Wilhelm Canaris in the Abwehr of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.