In digital images/pictures, 32-bit usually refers to RGBA color space -- 24-bit truecolor images with an 8-bit alpha channel—i.e., 8 bits each for red, green, blue, and transparency; a total of 32 bits per pixel.
Lagarith attempts to avoid this problem by supporting YV12, YUY2, RGB, and RGBA colorspaces.
All convert a 4×4 block of pixels to a 64-bit or 128-bit quantity, resulting in compression ratios of 6:1 with 24-bit RGB input data or 4:1 with 32-bit RGBA input data.
Because most of the filter primitives represent some form of image processing, in most cases the output from a filter primitive is a single RGBA bitmap image (however, it will be regenerated if a higher resolution is called on).
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