
unusual facts about RISC




Advanced Disc Filing System, a file system implemented in Acorn and RISC OS computers

Bodhi Linux

The hard float application binary interface of the ARM11, a 32-bit RISC microprocessor ARM architecture with ARMv6 architectural additions, provides enormous performance gains for many use cases.


The brainchild of James Billmaier, Mario Pagliaro, Armando Stettner and Joseph DiNucci, the systems family was to also employ a truly RISC-based architecture when compared to the heavier and very CISC VAX or the then still under development Prism architectures.

IBM 6150 RT

The system was introduced in 1986 as the RT PC (RISC Technology Personal Computer) and ran AIX 1.x and 2.x, the Academic Operating System (AOS), or the Pick operating system.


In terms of its instruction-set architecture, MicroBlaze is very similar to the RISC-based DLX architecture described in a popular computer architecture book by Patterson and Hennessy.


NeXT's first operating system was NeXTSTEP, a sophisticated Mach-UNIX based operating system that originally ran only on NeXT's Motorola 68k-based workstations and that was then ported to run on 32-bit Intel x86-based "IBM-compatible" personal computers, PA-RISC-based workstations from Hewlett-Packard, and SPARC-based workstations from Sun Microsystems.

Richard Belluzzo

He was a strong advocate at HP to reduce their investments in HP-UX and PA-RISC in favor of Windows NT and Itanium, as well as getting SGI to cut their investments in IRIX and MIPS.


In 2000, Element 14 sold RISC OS to a company called Pace Micro Technology, who later sold it to Castle Technology Ltd.

Rixon, Dorset

The name Rixon was derived from the Old English word risc, "rushes", and survives as Rix and Rex in the dialects of Dorset, Somerset and Devon.

Roland XP-50

The XP-50's sound engine utilizes a custom 32-bit RISC chip to accommodate its sound generation and effects processing.


It originally came equipped with a dual 680x0 (68020 or 68030) processor configuration running at 16-25 MHz, later shifting to the MIPS R3000 and R4000 RISC microprocessors.

Steven Muchnick

He then went on to apply his knowledge of compilers as a vital member of the teams that developed two computer architectures — PA-RISC at Hewlett-Packard and SPARC at Sun Microsystems.


StrongARM, a RISC microprocessor created by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

see also