
unusual facts about ROBUSTA


Afromaimetsha robusta is an extinct species of wasp which existed in Botswana during the late Cretaceous period, and the only species in the genus Afromaimetsha.

Asymmetric cell division

Helobdella robusta: The leech Helobdella robusta exhibits a similar asymmetry in the first embryonic division as C. elegans and tubifex, but relies on a modified mechanism.

Grevillea robusta

Before the advent of aluminium, Grevillea robusta timber was widely used for external window joinery, as it is resistant to wood rot.


Researchers at the University of Nottingham demonstrated that the DNA extracted from both green and roasted beans could be used in a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) based analysis to differentiate between Arabica and Robusta types of coffee.

Suncheon Bay Ecological Park

Summer passage birds of the Suncheon Bay area include Nycticorax nycticorax, Bubulcus ibis, Egretta garzetta, Egretta alba modesta, Ardea cinerea, Charadrius dubius curonicus, Alcedo atthis bengalensis, Motacilla cinerea robusta, Motacilla alba and Acrocephalus arundinaceus.


The launch was a multi-payload mission shared with LARES, ALMASat-1, Goliat, MaSat-1, PW-Sat, ROBUSTA, e-st@r and Xatcobeo.

see also