
2 unusual facts about RTOS


The Phoenix-RTOS was written by Paweł Pisarczyk as his Master of Science Thesis at Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology.

It was designed to run mainly on x86-based computers, but ports for ARM and PowerPC microprocessor architectures are under development (alpha versions for ARM7 TDMI core and PowerPC Open Firmware based architectures are available).



Fusion File System

It uses a layered device driver architecture, using a simple binding model, to allow operating system agnostic or independent portability; meaning that the file system is compatible with most operating systems and is thus not bound to any one RTOS.

Multi Media Interface

Harman Becker Automotive Systems manufactures the MMI system, utilizing QNX Neutrino's Real Time Operating System (RTOS) software.

Operating System Embedded

The Enea OSE family of RTOS features 3 OSs: OSE for ARM processors, PowerPC and MIPS, OSEck for various DSP's, and OSE Epsilon for minimal devices, written in pure assembly.

see also