The show was recorded by the Dew Burning Van, a mobile recording system sponsored by Mountain Dew, during Something Corporate's headlining tour with Rx Bandits, Mae and The Format.
In early 2008, she made a demo with her cousin Matthew Embree of Rx Bandits.
On May 19, 2013 Leathermouth performed at New Jersey's Skate and Surf Festival along with Glassjaw, Rx Bandits, A Day to Remember and others.
Rx Bandits | Brisbane Bandits | Time Bandits | RX Bandits | Brooks Bandits | White Wave Bandits | Pittsburgh Bandits | Heishan bandits | Berwick Bandits |
He currently runs Two Twenty Two Design Studio and is an artist whose work has adorned two Rx Bandits albums (his paintings "Predictable" and "Look Left ...And The Battle Begun" are the covers of The Resignation and ...And the Battle Begun respectively) as well as DESA's split EP with Howards Alias and their latest album "Arriving Alive".
His digital collage illustrations and/or graphic design have adorned album sleeves for bands including Omar Rodríguez-López (for whom he's designed well over 20 albums), The Mars Volta, RX Bandits, 311 (band), The Locust, Shooter Jennings, Le Butcherettes, The Glitch Mob, I Set My Friends on Fire, Red Sparowes, Thavius Beck, The Drowning Men, Sun Ra, Bosnian Rainbows, and others.
Peace'd Out is a Los Angeles based Hardcore band which features Vinnie Caruana on vocals, guitarist Steve Choi (RX Bandits), bassist Roger Camero (No Motiv), and drummer Casey Deitz (The Velvet Teen).