
unusual facts about Rabbeinu Tam

Isaac ben Samuel

On his father's side Isaac was a grandson of R. Simhah ben Samuel of Vitry, author of the Maḥzor Vitry; on his mother's side he was a nephew of Rabbeinu Tam, of Rashbam, and of Isaac ben Meir (RiBaM), a great-grandson of Rashi, and a relative of R. Eleazar of Worms.

Samson ben Abraham of Sens

He studied under Rabbeinu Tam at Troyes and David ben Kalonymus of Münzenberg, and for ten years attended the Yeshiva of Rabbi Isaac ben Samuel ha-Zaken (the Ri) of Dampierre, after whose death he took charge of the yeshiva of Sens. The Rosh said of him that only Rabbeinu Tam and Rabbi Isaac ben Samuel exercised greater influence upon Talmudical studies in France and in Germany during the 13th century.

see also