
4 unusual facts about Tam Dalyell

British Parliamentary approval for the invasion of Iraq

As early as 1999, the anti-war MP Tam Dalyell had proposed a Ten Minute Rule Bill called Military Action Against Iraq (Parliamentary Approval) Bill which would "require the prior approval, by a simple majority of the House of Commons, of military action by United Kingdom forces against Iraq."

Norman Miscampbell

The same year, Jeremy Bray, Dick Taverne, Bill Rogers and Tam Dalyell were all elected at by-elections.

Parliamentary privilege

This allows Members to raise questions or debate issues which could slander an individual, interfere with an ongoing court case or threaten to reveal state secrets, such as in the Zircon affair or several cases involving the Labour MP Tam Dalyell.

William Nimmo Smith, Lord Nimmo Smith

Concerns had been raised by Linlithgow MP Tam Dalyell with Lothian and Borders Chief Constable Sir William Sutherland.

Tam Dalyell of the Binns

The Dalyell baronetage today is represented by Tam Dalyell a.k.a. Sir Thomas Dalyell of the Binns, 11th Baronet, the veteran British politician.

see also