He was father to Linda Whetstone, who has been involved with many of Fisher's think tanks, and grandfather to Rachel Whetstone, formerly Political Secretary to Conservative leader Michael Howard, now global head of communications and public policy for Google, who is married to David Cameron's Director of Strategy Steve Hilton.
In the lead-up to the 2005 general election, Astor had an extra-marital affair with Rachel Whetstone, wife of the Conservative strategist Steve Hilton.
Rachel | Rachel Carson | Rachel Whiteread | Rachel Ward | Rachel Hunter | Rachel Weisz | Rachel Dratch | Rachel Bilson | Rachel Roy | Rachel Griffiths | Rachel Zoe | Whetstone | Rachel Sweet | Rachel Stamp | Rachel Ruysch | Rachel McAdams | Rachel Maddow | Rachel Homan | Rachel Corrie | Rachel Tucker | Rachel Smith | Rachel Rath | Rachel McLish | Rachel Grady | Rachel Farley | Rachel Blau DuPlessis | Rachel Summers | Rachel Speght | Rachel's Challenge | Rachel Reilly |