"When time shall have softened passion and prejudice, when Reason shall have stripped the mask from misrepresentation, then Justice, holding evenly her scales, will require much of past censure and praise to change places," Pal quoted Jefferson Davis in the conclusion of the dissent.
According to Norimitsu Onishi, while he fully acknowledged Japan’s war atrocities — including the Nanjing massacre — he said they were covered in the Class B and Class C trials.
PAL | Pál Schmitt | Pal | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen | Pál Maléter | Pal (dog actor) | Pal, Andorra | Memphis Pal Moore | Treponem Pal | Sztywny Pal Azji | Srijan Pal Singh | Ruma Pal | Pål Varhaug | Pál Szinyei Merse | Pål Steigan | PAL (software) | Pal Rakes | Pál Pétervári | Pål Mathiesen | Pál Kovács | Pál Kadosa | Pål Hollender | Pål Angelskår | PAL Airlines | Kristo Das Pal | Hubert Pál Álgyay | Chong-Pal Park |