Now known as "Folleterre," the farmhouse is the home of the Eurofaeries, and is owned by association les Amis de Folleterre.
Social Democrat Radical Party | Radical | radical | Radical Party | People's Radical Party | Serbian Radical Party | Peatbog Faeries | Coalition of the Radical Left | Radical Party of Chile | Radical Party (France) | Radical Faeries | Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West | Thomas Muir (radical) | SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron | Radical War | Radical Face | Radical (Chinese character) | National Radical Union | The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision For America | SRH Presents: Supporting Radical Habits | SIC Radical | Radical Youth League | Radical Traditionalism | Radical Students Union | Radical Sportscars | Radical Republican | Radical Party (UK) | Radical Party (Italy) | Radical Party (Chile) | Radical party |
After publishing an issue in which REB mourned his break-up with future Juha frontman Collin Clay, Fanorama took a turn towards pagan spirituality, influenced greatly by his work with the Radical Faeries.
After traveling the country he was inspired by the street performance work of the Radical Faeries and the Bread and Puppet Theater in Glover, Vermont.