Both Folgóre and Cenne are mentioned in Francesco Guccini's "Canzone dei dodici mesi" ("Song of the Twelve Months"), from the album Radici (1972).
Radici |
Le radici ideologiche del terrorismo rivoluzionario - Rubbettino (English Version by Cornell University Press: Alessandro Orsini, Anatomy of the Red Brigades. The Religious Mindset of Modern Terrorists)
Ali e radici (Wings and Roots), also known by its Spanish name Alas y raíces, is a 2009 studio album by Italian singer-songwriter Eros Ramazzotti.
The headquarters of the Group remain in Bergamo (Italy), specifically in Gandino, a narrow valley embraced by the Orobic Pre-Alps, where back in 1941 the founder Pietro Radici established the first textile company.
The last novel by Avoledo is Metro 2033: Le radici del cielo, written for the Metro 2033 Universe project set up by Dmitry Glukhovski.