
2 unusual facts about Radziwiłł

Codex Radziwiłł

The manuscript once belonged to the polish high noble family Radziwiłł — like ℓ 34 — hence name of the codex.

Michelagnolo Galilei

Most likely he went there with the powerful Lithuanian-Polish Radziwiłł family.

Antoni Radziwiłł

Struggling between his Polish subjects and the Prussian authorities, Radziwiłł found himself with little power, as effective power was executed by Oberpräsident Joseph Zerboni di Sposetti and the district governors heading the Regierungsbezirke of Posen and Bromberg.

Apart from the guitar, cello and opera concertos performed by Radziwiłł himself, among his guests were Niccolò Paganini (concert in Poznań on 19 May 1829), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Frédéric Chopin and Ludwig van Beethoven.

Bogusław Radziwiłł

Together with his cousin Janusz Radziwiłł in 1654 during The Deluge, or Swedish invasion of Poland, Bogusław Radziwiłł began negotiations with King Charles X Gustav of Sweden aimed at breaking the Commonwealth and the Polish–Lithuanian union.

Dominik Rainer Radziwiłł

His father Hieronim Mikołaj Radziwiłł was deported to a Gulag during the Soviet occupation of Poland and died on 6 April 1945.

Nieborów Palace

In February 1945, the Radziwiłł family was deported by the NKVD to a labour camp in Krasnogorsk.

see also