
3 unusual facts about Ragnhild Hatton

Ragnhild Hatton

Working with G. J. Renier and Mark A. Thomson, she completed her Ph.D. degree in 1947 with her thesis on "Diplomatic relations between Great Britain and the Dutch Republic, 1714-1721."

Francoise-Marie Arouet de Voltaire, The History of Charles XII, King of Sweden, translated by Antonia White with an introduction by Ragnhild Hatton.

Sophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of Darlington

Although described by historians as 'the Elephant' who competed with 'the Maypole' (Melusine), modern historians, especially Ragnhild Hatton attribute her as a valued courtier of the king and stating she was not as obese as early works suggested.

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