The visitation motif plays a central role in The Confidence Course (1965), Shaggy Dog (1968), Angels Are So Few (1970), Joe's Ark (1974), Schmoedipus (1975), Brimstone and Treacle (1976), Rain on the Roof (1980), Track 29 (1987) and Secret Friends (1992).
In the event, budget cuts and scheduling problems meant that only three plays were produced: Blade on the Feather, Rain on the Roof and Cream in My Coffee.
In the event, budget cuts and scheduling problems led to only three plays being produced: Blade on the Feather, Rain on the Roof and Cream in My Coffee.
In the event, budget cuts and scheduling problems led to only three plays being produced: Blade on the Feather, Rain on the Roof and Cream in My Coffee.
Fiddler on the Roof | Singin' in the Rain | Rain Man | Purple Rain | Rain | Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Rain or Shine Elasto Painters | Rain on the Roof | rain | Purple Rain (film) | Fiddler on the Roof (film) | Douglas Rain | Black Rain (American film) | Black Rain | Wolf's Rain | Ted Roof | Purple Rain (album) | November Rain | Fire and Rain | Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain | The Right Attitude to Rain | Rain Phoenix | Rain Parade | Rain on Your Parade | Rain (entertainer) | No Rain | It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' | I Can't Stand the Rain (song) | I Can't Stand the Rain | Heavy Rain |