
unusual facts about Rainy Lake

Rainy Lake

Rainy Lake is part of an extremely large system of lakes forming the Hudson Bay drainage basin that stretches from west of Lake Superior north to the Arctic Ocean.

Joseph La France

He began his trek toward there following the route of Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de La Vérendrye through Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods and the Winnipeg River to Lake Winnipeg.

Koochiching County, Minnesota

The name "Koochiching" comes from either the Ojibwe word Gojijiing or Cree Kocicīhk (recorded in some documents as "Ouchichiq"), both meaning "at the place of inlets," referring to the neighboring Rainy Lake and River.

see also

Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship

Al Lindner, co-founder of In-Fisherman, has stated that Rainy Lake is his favourite smallmouth fishing destination.