
unusual facts about Raise Up

Raise Up

At UNC football games, The Marching Tar Heels play the chorus of this song after the defense makes a third down stop.

see also

Babatunde Fashola

As soon as Haiti was struck by a earthquake, Babatunde Fashola launched an appeal to raise up to one million U.S. dollars.

Campus Outreach

Also, the ministry takes very seriously the charge from Matthew 9:35-38 to raise up laborers, and not simply believers, by discipling new believers to share their faith with others, as stressed by Dawson Trotman and others.

Constitution of New Zealand

Following the Conference, the House of Representatives passed a motion requesting that King Edward VII "take such steps as he may consider necessary; to change New Zealand's official name from 'The Colony of New Zealand' to 'The Dominion of New Zealand'. Prime Minister Sir Joseph Ward prompted to move to "…raise up New Zealand" and assured that it would "have no other effect than that of doing the country good".

Josey Scott

Scott appeared as a hidden character in the video game "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003", which features three Saliva songs on the soundtrack: "Raise Up", "Superstar", and "Superstar II (EA Mix)", which is exclusive to the game.