The film was later remade in Tamil as Annanagar Mudhal Theru starring Sathyaraj, Radha and Janagaraj, with Prabhu in a cameo appearance and in Telugu as Gandhinagar Rendo Veedhi with Rajendra Prasad, Jayasudha.
During his reign as king, Mohiuddin Khan frequently received dignitaries as the then Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, President of India Rajendra Prasad and other dignitaries.
The Golden Jubilee was celebrated under the presidency of Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India.
It was because of her impressive sermons on the Gita that she was dubbed 'Gita Bharati' at the age of 10 years by Rajendra Prasad, who was then the President of India.
Borda arrived in New Delhi on 22 June of the same year; on 27 June he met with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in an official ceremony, and the next month on 7 July Borda presented his letter of credence to President Rajendra Prasad at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
In 1935, Dr. Rajendra Prasad also visited his home who later on became the First President of Independent India.
Lalu also unveiled a statue of Dr Rajendra Prasad at Rajendra Nagar Terminal after whom this station has been named.
Upon independence in 1947, Prasad was elected president of the Constituent Assembly of India, which prepared the Constitution of India and served as its provisional parliament.
When Ananda Mohan was studying at Kasi, a meeting of the All-India Congress Committee was held, and all prominent Indian leaders were present including great men like Mahatma Gandhi, Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabhai Patel came to Vidyapeet.
Rajendra Prasad | Lalu Prasad Yadav | Laxmi Prasad Devkota | Girija Prasad Koirala | Rajendra Singh | Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala | Samta Prasad | Syama Prasad Mookerjee | Shweta Prasad | Ram Prasad | Rajendra Singh Babu | Rajendra Prasad (actor) | Rajendra Nagar | Rajendra Kumar | Jyoti Prasad Saikia | Beni Prasad Verma | Vinaya Prasad | T L V Prasad | Tanka Prasad Acharya | S. Sambhu Prasad | Shyam Prasad Reddy | Shreyans Prasad Jain | Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain | Ravi Shankar Prasad | Rajendra Singh (RSS) | Rajendra Darda | Rajendra Chola III | Rajendra Chola II | Rajendra Chola I | Rajendra Agricultural University |
Gandhi became the mass leader only after the Champaran Satyagraha that he launched on the repeated request of a local leader, Raj Kumar Shukla, he was supported by great illumanaries like Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha and Brajkishore Prasad.
Rajini is remembered for her memorable roles opposite all major heroes throughout the 1980s including Aha Naa Pellanta opposite Rajendra Prasad, Majnu opposite Nagarjuna and Seetaramula Kalyanam opposite Balakrishna.
Among active members of the "Dawn" were Sister Nivedita, Bagha Jatin (Jatin Mukherjee), Rajendra Prasad (first President of India), Haran Chakladar, Radhakumud Mukherjee, Kishorimohan Gupta (principal, Daulatpur College), Atulya Chatterjee, Rabindra Narayan Ghosh, Benoykumar Sarkar, all future celebrities.
Though the film was a remake of the Telugu film Aa Naluguru, starring Rajendra Prasad in the lead, the Kannada version became more popular than the original and ran successfully for 100 days at the box office.