He set out for Venice, but when he reached Rakowitza near Sarajevo, in Bosnia, he was taken ill, and here he died on 29 November 1626.
He died suddenly of a heart attack on April 5, 1873, and was buried in the family tomb of Jevrem Obrenović in Rakovica.
Rakovica achieved some prominence in Croatian history in October 1871, when several members of the Croatian Party of Rights led by Eugen Kvaternik disavowed the official party position advocating a political solution to the issue of Croatia within the Habsburg Monarchy and instead launched a revolt in the village.
He graduated from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Technology and worked in the rubber factory "Rekord" in Rakovica.
Rakovica, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Rakovica | Rakovica, Belgrade |
The Rakovički potok (Serbian Cyrillic: Раковички поток, English: Rakovica Creek) is a short stream in north-central Serbia, a 8,5 kilometer-long right tributuary to the Topčiderka river.