
2 unusual facts about Rakvere

Estonian Punk Song Festival

Estonian Punk Song Festival was an event, that took place on 7 July 2008 in Rakvere, where popular Estonian punk songs were performed by professional choirs.


The interior displays some fine craftsmanship, including a Baroque pulpit from 1690 made by Christian Ackermann.

Allan Murdmaa

In addition Allan Murdmaa has designed numerous monuments across Estonia - monuments of Amandus Adamson, Eduard Vilde, Heino Eller and Oskar Luts, the obelisk of the Tehumardi battle, the memorial of the victims of Stalinist Terror in Rakvere and the memorial of Maarjamäe.

Veronika Valk

Most notable works by Veronika Valk are the central square of Rakvere, the sports hall of the Suure-Jaani Gymnasium, the monument of the composer Eduard Tubin and the reconstruction of the Lasva water tower.

see also