The basic idea of restructuring information about websites goes back to as early as 1995, when Ramanathan V. Guha and others in Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group developed the Meta Content Framework.
RDF Site Summary, the first version of RSS was created by Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guha at Netscape.
S. Ramanathan | Ramachandra Guha | Ramanathan V. Guha | M. D. Ramanathan | Isa Guha | G. Ramanathan | Anita Guha | Sujit Guha |
His major contributions have been in the indigenously developed non-hormonal polymer based injectable male contraceptive (RISUG) for which the Final Phase-III Clinical trials are underway; Problem-solving at a national level regarding contraceptives in mass usage, especially Copper T; individualized spot air-conditioning system for hospital patients and rehabilitation of the blind, with emphasis on opening automobile repair as an employment avenue.
The basic idea of restructuring information about web sites goes back to as early as 1995, when Ramanathan V. Guha and others in Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group developed the Meta Content Framework (MCF).