Synchronisms with inscriptions relating to the burial of Apis bulls begin as early as the reign of Amenhotep III and continue into Ptolemaic times, but there is a significant gap in the record between Ramesses XI and the 23rd year of Osorkon II.
The tomb was initiated for the burial of Ramesses XI but it is likely that its construction was abandoned and that it was never used for Ramesses's interment.
Paweraa later appears in the House-list papyrus which dates to Year 12 of the pre-Whm Mswt era of Ramesses XI.
He was the third longest serving king of this Dynasty after Ramesses III and Ramesses XI.
A controversial aspect of the Saqqara find is that for the period between the reign of Ramesses XI and the 23rd year of the reign of Osorkon II – about 250 years, only nine burials have been discovered, including three sarcophagi Mariette reported to have identified in a chamber too dangerous to excavate, which have not been located since.
It marks a final waning of the power of the centralised monarchy, with Ramesses XI still nominally pharaoh, but with Herihor as High Priest of Amun in Thebes and Smendes in Tanis ruling respectively Upper and Lower Egypt.
Ramesses XI | Ramesses III | Ramesses I | Ramesses VIII | Ramesses VII | Ramesses V | Ramesses IX | Ramesses X | Ramesses (disambiguation) | Ramesses | Pi-Ramesses |