Jarrah's son Rami Jarrah became a prominent activist in early 2011 during the Syrian Uprising, he was cited by international media under the name Alexander Page until he was soon compromised in late 2011 by the Syrian intelligence services.
In 2012 Jarrah was awarded one of the International Press Freedom Award (IPFA) from Canadian Journalists for Free Expression for his coverage of the Syrian civil war.
Jarrah's father, Nouri al-Jarrah a long time Syrian dissident due to the Ba'ath regimes dismantle of the Communist Party in Syria, He established a literary magazine named Al-Katiba of which 15 issues have been published and has also published a number of poem collections.
Sayid Jarrah | Jarrah | jarrah | Rami Fortis | Rami Bar-Niv | Ziad Jarrah | Rami Jaffee | Rami Zur | Rami Jarrah | Rami Essaid | Nouri al-Jarrah | Neelapu Rami Reddy |