
40 unusual facts about Ramsar Convention.


The area has a rich bird life and this is reflected in some good birding localities like Forfjorddalen Nature Reserve and Skogvoll, the latter a Ramsar site of international importance.

Baix Vinalopó

Some important natural places are the swamps in the lower part of the comarca known as El Fondo Natural Park and the Salines de Santa Pola Natural Park, both Ramsar sites.

Balaton Uplands National Park

It is therefore not surprising that when Hungary joined the Ramsar Convention in 1979, the Kis Balaton was included in the list of "Wetlands of International Importance as Waterfowl Habitat".

Bera Lake

It has been protected under the Ramsar Convention since November 1994, which allows traditional use of the area to continue.

Bikoro Territory

The lake lies at the center of the Tumba-Ngiri-Maindombe landscape, the largest Ramsar Convention wetland in the world, a vast area of forest and permanent or seasonal lakes and marshlands that has great environmental and economic value.

Caguanes National Park

It is established around the Caguanes peninsula and includes 10 small cays (Cayos de Piedra) that reach out in the Bay of Buena Vista (a Ramsar Convention site), as well as the Guayaberas swamps and mangroves.

Castiglione della Pescaia

In the territory of Castiglione della Pescaia, the 1000-hectare Natural Reserve of Diaccia Botrona (with 18th-century Casa Rossa Ximenes) is a designated wetland area of international interest, according to the Ramsar Convention.

Chignecto Bay

It includes the 10.2 km² John Lusby National Wildlife Area, which is recognized as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance since October 1985.

Coole Park

Since 1990 Coole Lough & Garryland Wood has been protected as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.

Corangamite Catchment Management Authority

There are 13 Ramsar-listed wetlands in the catchment including Lake Corangamite, the largest permanent inland lake in Australia.

Cuiabá River

At Cuiabá it's lower portion enters the Pantanal ecosystem and region, flowing through extensive and important Ramsar Convention protected wetlands for waterfowl, migratory birds, and other wildlife.

East Kolkata Wetlands

The East Calcutta Wetlands were designated a "wetland of international importance" under the Ramsar Convention on August 19, 2002.

Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge

Much of the land was previously part of Fort John Custis, a base used by the United States Air Force until 1981; also within the refuge's boundaries is Fisherman Island, classed as a "Wetland of International Importance".

Firth of Thames

The Firth of Thames is an important site for waders or shorebirds, and is listed as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention.

Francis Beidler Forest

On May 30, 2008 the forest was designated a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance.

Geography of Kent

Kent houses a significant number of internationally important sites, including Special Protection Areas, Ramsar Wetlands, Special Areas of Conservation, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserves, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Local Wildlife Sites, Roadside Nature Reserves and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Ginini Flats Wetlands Ramsar Site

The Ginini Flats Wetlands Ramsar Site, also known as the Ginini Flats Subalpine Bog Complex, is a wetland in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) that has been recognised as being of international importance by designation under the Ramsar Convention.

Great Lakes Council

The Great Lakes is home to the globally significant, Ramsar Convention listed Myall Lakes wetlands.


The lake was created as a wildlife sanctuary in November 1999 under India's Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, and designated a wetland of international importance in November 2002 under the international Ramsar Convention.

Khuan Khanun District

The Phru Khuan Khi Sian wetlands at the Thale Noi lake are protected as a Ramsar wetland.


It gives its name to the nearby Kokoro and Namga Wetlands, which was designated a Ramsar site in 2001.

Kushimoto, Wakayama

The surrounding wetlands and coastal areas in Kushimoto are designated areas of conservation through the Ramsar Convention of 1971.

L'Isle-Verte, Quebec

Its marshes along the Saint Lawrence River are a protected bird sanctuary part of the Baie de l’Isle-Verte Ramsar wetland.

Mai Po Marshes

Inner Deep Bay is listed as a Ramsar site under Ramsar Convention in 1995, and supports globally important numbers of wetland birds, which chiefly arrive in winter and during spring and autumn migrations.

Muan County

The mudlands of Muan were designated one of the wetlands of the Ramsar Convention.

Myall River

After flowing past the town of Bulahdelah, east of the small settlement of Nerong, the Myall River enters the most southern of the three Ramsar-protected Myall Lakes, Bombah Broadwater, within the Myall Lakes National Park.

Nottawasaga River

It flows through the Minesing Wetlands, recognized as a wetland of international significance (Ramsar Convention site), and empties into Nottawasaga Bay, an inlet of Georgian Bay, at Wasaga Beach, Ontario.

Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge

In 1986, the Okefenokee Refuge was designated by the Wetlands Convention as a Wetland of International Importance.


Major attractions are the Ramsar Convention Bird Protection areas, the coastal areas themselves, and the Manor of Austrått, dated 1656 and with a known history from around 1000 AD.

Plateaux District

The district is within the Tumba-Ngiri-Maindombe area, the largest Wetland of International Importance recognized by the Ramsar Convention in the world.

Ramsar Convention

The convention was developed and adopted by participating nations at a meeting in Ramsar, Mazandaran, Iran on February 2, 1971, hosted by the Iranian Department of Environment, and came into force on December 21, 1975.

Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award

The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award was established in 1996 by a resolution at the 6th meeting of the Ramsar Convention, an international environmental treaty organisation, with the intention of recognising and honouring the work of governments, organisations and individuals in promoting the wise use and conservation of wetlands.

Ramsar, Mazandaran

The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

Riverland Biosphere Reserve

The flood plains of the reserve are recognised as internationally significant wetlands for migratory birds under the Ramsar Convention.

Salthouse Marshes

The larger area is now additionally protected through Natura 2000, Special Protection Area (SPA) and Ramsar listings, and is part of the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Seekoei-vlei Nature Reserve

Seekoei-vlei Nature Reserve, is a massive wetland spanning some 30 km², surrounds the town of Memel, in the Free State, province of South Africa, which was declared a Ramsar site in 1999.

Southern Ewaso Ng'iro

The Lake Natron basin has been designated a Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.


A large part of the island and its surrounding water is designated as protected under the Ramsar Convention due to the rich bird life in the area.

Urban water management in Bogotá, Colombia

Program objectives are to conform to a current framework of environmental regulations, the wetland policy set by the district capital, and the terms as defined in the Ramsar Convention on wetlands.

Zama Lake

The Hay-Zama Lakes complex is a Ramsar site for its importance to spring and fall migrating ducks and geese.

Albanian water frog

Although Lake Skadar is a protected site on both the Albanian and Montenegrin sides and recognised as an important wetland by the Ramsar Convention, there is still a significant amount of collection of amphibians that occurs at the lake for the pet trade and the food industry.

Dongbaekdongsan Wetland

Dongbaekdongsan wetland has been designated additionally as the Ramsar Wetland in March 14, 2011 for continuous preservation and protection.

Geography of Belize

Belize is party to the Basel Convention, Convention on Biological Diversity, Ramsar Convention, CITES, Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Montreal Protocol, MARPOL 73/78, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.


Tanda Lake is also a protective site by Ramsar Convention. Ramsar is an international
treaty for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands.

Lake Mai-Ndombe

The lake is within the Tumba-Ngiri-Maindombe area, the largest Wetland of International Importance recognized by the Ramsar Convention in the world.

Paroo River

On 20 September 2007, Malcolm Turnbull as the Australian Minister for the Environment and Water Resources announced that the Paroo River Wetlands in north-west New South Wales is to be listed under the Ramsar Convention as wetlands of international importance, making them Australia's 65th Ramsar site.

Point Lonsdale

Next to the town is Lake Victoria a shallow saline lake that is part of the Lonsdale Lakes Nature Reserve and an important site for the waterbirds and migratory waders that form part of the population using the Ramsar-listed Swan Bay wetland system.

River Lymn

It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Ramsar site, which provides a diverse habitat for birds such as grey plover and knot, plants including brackish water crowfoot and insects including the red-banded sand-wasp, among others.

Traveston Crossing Dam

The Mary River flows into the Great Sandy Strait, near wetlands of international significance recognised by the International agreement of the Ramsar Convention and Fraser Island World Heritage Area, which attracts thousands of visitors every year.

William J. Mitsch

His Olentangy River Wetland Research Park at Ohio State University achieved the status as the 24th USA Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in June 2008 from the Ramsar Convention in Switzerland.

World Wetlands Day

It marks the date of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands, called Ramsar Convention, on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.