In late 2011, when the Montreal Canadiens hired interim coach Randy Cunneyworth, she said she expected the Canadiens to rectify the situation as soon as possible as Cunneyworth speaks only English, and no French.
For instance, Quebec Culture Minister Christine St-Pierre said she expected the Canadiens to rectify the situation as soon as possible, and several nationalist groups have called for a boycott of Molson products.
Randy Brecker | Randy Travis | Randy Stonehill | Randy Quaid | Randy Lerner | Randy Johnson | Randy Jackson | Randy Bachman | Randy Couture | Randy Kuhl | Randy Moss | Randy Crawford | Randy Houser | Randy Meisner | Randy Stuart | Randy Savage | Randy Orton | Randy Napoleon | Randy Smith | Randy Pausch | Randy Michaels | Randy Karraker | Randy Ferbey | Randy Boudreaux | Randy Wigginton | Randy Weaver | Randy Vancourt | Randy Turner | Randy Stumpfhauser | Randy Smith (game designer) |