In 2013, Univision announced the launch of El Rey, a new network geared towards young-adult audiences led by Robert Rodriguez.1.
He worked alongside NBC Sports Chairman Dick Ebersol to secure exclusive NBC coverage for five consecutive Olympic Games: 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008.
Randy Brecker | Randy Travis | Randy Stonehill | Randy Quaid | Randy Lerner | Randy Johnson | Randy Jackson | Randy Bachman | Randy Couture | Randy Kuhl | Randy Moss | Randy Crawford | Randy Houser | Randy Meisner | Marcus Didius Falco | Randy Stuart | Randy Savage | Randy Orton | Randy Napoleon | Randy Smith | Randy Pausch | Randy Michaels | Randy Karraker | Randy Ferbey | Randy Boudreaux | Tav Falco's Panther Burns | Randy Wigginton | Randy Weaver | Randy Vancourt | Randy Turner |