
6 unusual facts about Ranunculaceae

Anemone tuberosa

Anemone tuberosa (desert anemone or tuber anemone) is a herbaceous plant species in the genus Anemone and family Ranunculaceae.

Aquilegia longissima

Aquilegia longissima, commonly known as long-spur columbine, is a flowering plant in the buttercup family.

Cimicifuga arizonica

Cimicifuga arizonica is a species of flowering plant in the buttercup family known by the common name Arizona bugbane.


Hydrastidoideae and Glaucidioideae have only one species, Hydrastis canadense and Glaucidium palmatum respectively.

Thalictrum pubescens

Thalictrum pubescens (tall meadow-rue) is a plant in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae.


Trautvetteria is a genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family.


Ranunculaceae |

Clematis virginiana

The name "Love Vine" also is applied to alleged aphrodisiacs, such as Caribbean species of Cassytha, which are unrelated to Clematis, not being in the family Ranunculaceae.

Latham's Snipe

Latham's Snipe is an omnivorous species that feeds on seeds and other plant material (mainly from species in families such as Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae and Fabaceae), and on invertebrates including insects (mainly flies and beetles), earthworms, spiders and occasionally molluscs, isopods and centipedes.

Prairie smoke

Pulsatilla patens (also called Anemone patens), in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae

see also