
6 unusual facts about Rapid eye movement sleep

Controlled Combustion Engine

The idea came to Howell-Smith, an automotive engineer residing in Australia, during REM sleep in 1995.

Emotional selection

If schema accommodations performed during prior non-REM dreams alleviate anxiety, frustration, sadness, or in other ways appear emotionally adaptive during REM dream tests, they would be selected for retention.


In most cases of infantile spasms, hypsarrhythmia either disappears or improves during a cluster of spasms and/or REM sleep.


NREM parasomnias are arousal disorders that occur during stage 3 (or 4 by the R&K standardization) of NREM sleep—also known as slow wave sleep (SWS).

Rapid eye movement behavior disorder

Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a sleep disorder (more specifically a parasomnia) that involves abnormal behaviour during the sleep phase with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.


Furthermore, it can also occur during REM sleep, at which time it represents a motor breakthrough (see sleep paralysis) of dream speech: words spoken in a dream are spoken out loud.


During tests, there were not substantial changes in deep sleep; however, it may reduce REM sleep.

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