
unusual facts about Ratification


While the United States House of Representatives does not vote on it at all, the requirement for Senate advice and consent to ratification makes it considerably more difficult in the US than in other democratic republics to rally enough political support for international treaties.

1957 Georgia Memorial to Congress

because of purported violations of the Constitution during the post-Civil War ratification process.

Alcohol during and after prohibition

Upon ratification of the amendment, the famous evangelist Billy Sunday said that "The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and corncribs." (Compare Christianity and alcohol.) Since alcohol was to be banned and since it was seen as the cause of most, if not all, crime, some communities sold their jails.

Arthur S. Link

Link had previously stated that Wilson would have taken the same unbending stand against ratification of the Versailles Treaty with Henry Cabot Lodge's reservations if he had enjoyed perfect health.

Article the First

Therefore, ratification of this article today would have no impact on the present Congressional apportionment process, though it could impact future changes to the process.

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

The Department of Environment and Natural resources (DENR), the Department of Finance (DOF), the Bureau of Immigration (BI), the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), and the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) have endorsed the ratification of the HCA.


It has been advanced to the Building Standards Commission for ratification and then to the Legislature for inclusion in Title 19 Code of California Regulations (CCR).

Barbara Henrickson

Her parents were Rockefeller Republicans, and her mother campaigned for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s.

Canadian nationality law

In 1931, with the final approval by the Imperial Parliament's (including the House of Lords and House of Commons sitting in London) legislating on behalf of dominions and other territories of the British Empire, and later British Commonwealth of Nations, for the ratification of the "Statute of Westminster of 1931", the United Kingdom ceased to have legislative control over Canada.

Cynthia Dunbar

As a sitting member of the Texas State Board of Education, in March 2010, Dunbar proposed and won ratification of a number of modifications to Texas K-12 social studies curriculum, notably the removal of Thomas Jefferson and mention of the Age of Enlightenment (in which reason was advocated as the primary source and legitimacy for authority).

Egyptian Constitution of 1971

The 1971 constitution is the fourth adopted constitution since the declaration of the republic and is known as "The Permanent Egyptian Constitution" although, since its ratification, it has been amended three times by two presidents; the first being in 1980 by President Sadat at the end of his presidency and the two other times by President Hosni Mubarak in both 2005 and early 2007.

European Coal and Steel Community

Consequently, de Gaulle and his followers in the RPF voted against ratification in the lower house of the French Parliament.

Federal Farmer

The Federal Farmer was an Anti-Federalist who wrote a methodical assessment of the proposed United States Constitution that was among the more important documents of the constitutional ratification debate.

Grover Rees, III

He wrote numerous law review articles, one of which declared the 1979 congressional vote to extend ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment for three additional years to be unconstitutional.

Indonesia–Singapore border

The treaty came into force upon ratification through an exchange of Instruments of Ratification on 31 August 2010 in Singapore by then Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa and his Singaporean counterpart George Yeo.

Janko Bobetko

In 2002, the United Kingdom had halted its ratification process for the Stabilisation and Association Agreement of Croatia with the European Union because of the Croatian government's handling of the Bobetko case.

John Cantine

Cantine also served in the New York state convention concerning the ratification of the United States Constitution.

K. C. Irving

Irving Oil, J.D. Irving and all subsidiary companies are actively supporting Canada's ratification and implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, since the family has invested considerable funds into environmental controls and alternative energy for its operations and wishes to capitalize on these investments at the expense of its slow-to-respond publicly traded competitors.

Kit Bigelow

ratification of the UN Genocide Convention, the Convention Against Torture, the Convention on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention Against Racial Discrimination.

Louis Ginzberg

The Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified on January 16, 1920, declared that "the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within... the United States... for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited."

Mary Elizabeth Banning

The Bannings were a well-established Maryland family: Mary Elizabeth's grandfather was a representative at Maryland's ratification of the federal constitution, and her father was a military captain, Collector of the Port of Oxford, and Member of the Maryland House of Delegates.

O. M. Wozencraft

They were considered and rejected for ratification by the Senate in closed session.

Ordinary referendum

In 2012, the government took some time to decide whether the ratification of the European Fiscal Compact would be passed by ordinary law or as a constitutional amendment.

Pardon My Scotch

Pardon My Scotch was filmed four months after the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution, which ended the American experiment with Prohibition.

Political privacy

The Federalist Papers, which contributed to the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, were written under the pseudonym Publius.

Quebec referendum, 1980

The Meech Lake Accord was opposed by aboriginal leaders, who were able to block its ratification in the Manitoba legislature due to the objection of Elijah Harper, and the Newfoundland legislature rescinded its ratification in response to Premier Clyde Wells's belief that it undid the progress achieved in the 1982 constitutional amendments and would undermine the Charter of Rights.

Ralph Spearow

Bill Bowerman claimed the jump was statistically valid but Spearow's lack of an AAU permit to compete prevented ratification.

Samuel Thurston

Along with Joseph Lane, he was instrumental in 1851 in blocking ratification of the Taney Point Treaty concerning the lands of the Clatsop and Nehalem tribes along the Oregon Coast.

Shariff Kabunsuan creation plebiscite, 2006

Those who voted for the ratification of the ARMM law which created Shariff Kabunsuan was more than 60 percent of the total registered voters in the province.

Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty

The ratification also got tricky because the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the Duma, Dmitry Rogozin, disagreed with his Federation Council counterpart Margelov.

Stuart Wheeler

In January 2008, Wheeler brought an action against the government, represented by the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, over the government's process of ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon.

Submission of the Clergy

On the 10th May Edward Foxe, the Bishop of Hereford, presented the Convocation with a schedule of three articles which King Henry VIII had sent to the Convocation for ratification.

Tasker H. Bliss

While serving as Chief, Collector of Customs for the Island of Cuba and the Port of Havana he was also the President of the Commission to Revise the Cuban Tariff Treaty in 1901 and was appointed to the Army War College Board as Special Envoy to Cuba to negotiate the treaty ratification in November and December 1902.

Tax protester arguments

Some tax protesters may cite what they believe is evidence that the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (removing any apportionment requirement for income taxes) was never "properly ratified" or that it was properly ratified but does not permit the taxation of individual income, or particular forms of individual income.

The Law that Never Was

The Law That Never Was: The Fraud of the 16th Amendment and Personal Income Tax is a 1985 book by William J. Benson and Martin J. "Red" Beckman which claims that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, commonly known as the income tax amendment, was never properly ratified.

William Benson's book relates how, in 1984, nine years after the Scott case and seventy-one years after the ratification was proclaimed, Benson began a research project to investigate the ratification process by traveling to the National Archives and the capitols of various New England states to review documents relating to the ratification of the Amendment.

Titles of Nobility Amendment

Upon approval of a resolution offered by U.S. Senator Philip Reed of Maryland, during the 2nd Session of the 11th Congress, TONA was submitted to the state legislatures for ratification.

Treaty of Lisbon

A national ratification was completed and registered when the instruments of ratification were lodged with the government of Italy.

Treaty of Sèvres

On October 18, the government of Damat Ferid Pasha was replaced by a provisional ministry under Ahmed Tevfik Pasha as Grand Vizier, who announced an intention to convoke the Senate with the purpose of ratification of the Treaty, provided that national unity were achieved.

Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut

As the final step in this long process, the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement was signed on May 25, 1993 in Iqaluit by the Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and by Paul Quassa, the president of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, which replaced the TFN upon the ratification of the Nunavut Final Agreement.

Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution

On August 22, 1978, Congress adopted the District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment and sent it to the states for ratification.

United States Senate elections, 1838

As this election was prior to ratification of the seventeenth amendment, Senators were chosen by State legislatures.

United States Senate elections, 1876

As this election took place prior to the ratification of the seventeenth amendment, Senators were chosen by State legislatures.

US ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Many organizations in the United States support ratification of the Convention, including groups that work with children such as the Girl Scouts and the Kiwanis.

see also