Raton Perez makes an appearance in DreamWorks Animation's film Rise of the Guardians, when one of the Tooth Fairy's mini fairies finds him at works and tackles him before the Tooth Fairy stops the fight.
The story details how Ratoncito Pérez cunningly misleads any cats in the vicinity who may be lurking, and includes his interaction with King Buby (Queen Maria Christina's nickname for Alfonso XIII).
Migdalia Pérez | Perez Hilton | Miguel Pérez, Jr. | Fernando Perez | Rosie Perez | Portia Perez | Adolfo Pérez Esquivel | Pérez Prado | Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso | George Pérez | Fernando Perez (baseball) | Arturo Pérez-Reverte | Sergio Pérez | Miguel Perez | Manrique Pérez de Lara | Javier Pérez de Cuéllar | Danny Perez Ramírez | Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba | Alberto Pérez-Gómez | Pérez | Nuño Pérez de Lara | John Pérez | Francisco Pérez-Bannen | Ernesto Pérez Balladares | Carlota Perez | Ailyn Pérez | Yewddys Pérez | Tony Pérez | Sylvia Perez | Peter Perez Burdett |