He won two more matches after that, against Anton LaGrave (a rematch) and Ray Marshall.
Past presidents of LERA include John T. Dunlop, Shultz, and Ray Marshall, all of whom went on to serve as U.S. Secretary of Labor.
Incoming president Jimmy Carter declined to keep Usery on at DOL, preferring to install F. Ray Marshall instead.
Ray Charles | Ray Bradbury | John Marshall | X-ray | Marshall Islands | Man Ray | Marshall | Marshall Plan | Thurgood Marshall | Satyajit Ray | Marshall Space Flight Center | Stevie Ray Vaughan | Ray Milland | Ray Liotta | Ray Davies | Sugar Ray Leonard | Billy Ray Cyrus | Marshall McLuhan | Ray Stevens | Blu-ray Disc | Penny Marshall | Ray Winstone | Ray Kurzweil | X-ray crystallography | Ray Brown (musician) | Ray Bolger | Ray Mears | Sugar Ray Robinson | Ray Anderson | Nicholas Ray |