
unusual facts about Rayy

Qahtaba ibn Shabib al-Ta'i

His army took Nishapur, where Nasr had sought refuge, defeated a 10,000-strong Ummayad force at Gurgan in August and subsequently took Rayy.


Rayy |

Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ash'ath

The scion of a distinguished family of the Kindaite tribal nobility, he played a minor role in the Second Islamic Civil War (680–692) and then served as governor of Rayy.

Ibn al-'Amid

Abu 'l-Fadl ibn al-'Amid (d. 970), scholar and vizier of the Buyid emir of Rayy, Rukn al-Dawla.


Nizam al-Mulk states in his Siyāsatnāma that Khorasani had delegated his authority and coffers in Rayy to Sunpadh prior to journeying to Baghdad, where he was eventually murdered by order of the second Abbasid Caliph, al-Mansur.

see also