
2 unusual facts about Reactance


Electrical reactance, the opposition to a change in voltage due to capacitance (capacitive reactance) or in current due to inductance (inductive reactance)

Scarcity heuristic

Cialdini draws his conclusion from Psychological Reactance Theory, which states that whenever free choice is limited or threatened the need to retain freedom makes us desire the object under threat more than if it was not in danger of being lost.

Drill string

When the vibrator tunes to the resonant frequency of the system, the reactive load impedance cancels out to zero by virtue of the inductance reactance (mass of the system) equalling the compliance or stiffness reactance (elasticity of the tubular).

Magnetic reactance

Magnetic reactance is the parameter of a passive magnetic circuit or its element, which is equal to the square root of the difference of squares of the full and effective magnetic resistance for a magnetic current, taken with the sign plus, if the magnetic current lags behind the magnetic tension in phase, and with the sign minus, if the magnetic current leads the magnetic tension in phase.

Rubber ducky antenna

Electrically short antennas have considerable capacitive reactance, so to make them resonant at the operating frequency an inductor (loading coil) is added in series with the antenna.

see also