Red-green alliance, an alliance of "red" social democratic or democratic socialist parties with "green" environmentalist parties
The Red Green Show (1991—2006), a Canadian television comedy
Eco-socialism, an ideology merging aspects of Marxism, socialism, green politics, ecology and alter-globalization
RG color space, a color space that uses only two colors, red and green
Red Army | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | American Red Cross | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Green Day | Green Party | Red Sea | Green Bay Packers | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Red Star Belgrade | Red | Little Red Riding Hood | Detroit Red Wings | Red Bull | Red River | Red Hat | Green | Red Dwarf | Green Lantern | International Committee of the Red Cross | Red River of the North | Green Acres | New York Red Bulls | IUCN Red List | Al Green | Simply Red | Red Wing, Minnesota | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Red Skelton |
Many guests made appearances on the series, including Red Green, a Canadian situation-comedy character played by Steve Smith, and Eric Peterson as Old King Cole.
In digital images/pictures, 32-bit usually refers to RGBA color space -- 24-bit truecolor images with an 8-bit alpha channel—i.e., 8 bits each for red, green, blue, and transparency; a total of 32 bits per pixel.
Dub poet Mutabaruka said, "if 1970s reggae was red, green and gold, then in the next decade it was gold chains".
While in France, Alishan also designed a second flag inspired by the national Flag of France, identified today as the "Nationalist Armenian Flag." Its colors were red, green, and blue respectively, representing the band of colors that Noah saw after landing on Mount Ararat.
SPD leader Andrea Ypsilanti finally gave in and attempted to negotiate with the Linke party to form a red-green-red coalition, reneging on a promise she had made earlier in the year to never negotiate with the far-left.
The following day, a group of members of the Red-Green Alliance including Schmidt-Nielsen planted bushes in the park Ørstedsparken in central Copenhagen as a symbolic protest against harassment of the male gay population in Copenhagen and as a manifestation of sexual liberal-mindedness.
Prior to her current tenure, Barford was a member of the Folketing for the Red-Green Alliance in Eastern Copenhagen constituency from November 20, 2001 to February 8, 2005, a temporary member of the Folketing for the Red-Green Alliance in Århus County constituency from October 8 to November 30, 1998, the Red-Green Alliance's candidate in Nørrebro nomination district, 1999 to 2001, in Århus West nomination district, 1998 to 1999, and in Frederiksborg County nomination district, 1996 to 1998.
The red-green minority government led by Minister-President Hannelore Kraft was returned with a 19 seat majority and were able to continue governing the state.
The red-green coalition was the winner of the election and formed a majority government, with Jens Stoltenberg as prime minister, on October 17, 2005, as soon as a national budget for 2006 had been proposed by the old government.
There are three secondary schools within the parish: Wilmington Grammar School for Boys (WGSB), whose students wear blue blazers, white shirts, grey trousers and different ties for each house within the school (these colours are red, green, white, black and purple); Wilmington Grammar School for Girls (WGSG), where the uniforms are maroon; and the mixed-sex Wilmington Academy (formerly Wilmington Hall), whose pupils wear black blazers.