The Regent Parrot was first described by English author and wit Edward Lear in 1831.
Regent | regent | Regent Street | Regent's Park | parrot | Parrot | Regent Park | Regent University | Regent's Canal | Red-breasted Pygmy Parrot | Orange-bellied Parrot | Blue-naped Parrot | Red-rumped Parrot | AEC Regent | Yellow-fronted Parrot | Rusty-faced Parrot | Regent's Park College, Oxford | Regent Seven Seas Cruises | Parrot Records | Fuertes's Parrot | Bourke's Parrot | Vice-regent | The simultaneous destruction of the ''Cordelière'' and the ''Regent'' depicted by Pierre-Julien Gilbert | The Chinese Parrot (film) | The Chinese Parrot | Scaly-headed Parrot | Rock Parrot | Regent Theatre | Regent Terrace | Regent's Place |