
2 unusual facts about Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte

Sumo people

The language spoken around Rosita and Bonanza in the north-eastern part of the RAAN, and today known as 'Mayangna', is in fact two closely related dialects, Twahka and Panamahka, while the people of Karawala in the RAAS, who were also formerly regarded as 'Sumu', speak a closely related sister-language called Ulwa.

However, problems with the land continue, and in Wasakin (a Mayangna community near Rosita) a state of violent confrontation between the Mayangna and invading Mestizos has led to the killing of a rancher and the subsequent murder of two young Indians.

Puerto Cabezas

The University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN) has a campus in Puerto Cabezas, as well as in several other locations in RAAN and RAAS.

Puerto Cabezas Airport

Also known as Bilwi Airport, it is located on Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN), approximately an hour from Managua by aircraft.

see also