
unusual facts about Regional variation

Regional variation

In 2009, S4C ceased from broadcasting Channel 4 programmes altogether when analogue television transmitters in Wales were switched off as part of the United Kingdom-wide Digital switchover.

see also

Jere Shine Site

Based on comparison of archeological remains and pottery styles, scholars believe that it was most likely occupied from 1400–1550 CE by peoples of the South Appalachian Mississippian culture (a regional variation of the Mississippian culture).

Ryukyuan languages

Similarly, the common language now used in everyday conversations in the Amami Ōshima is not the traditional Amami language, but rather a regional variation of Amami-accented Japanese, locally nicknamed トン普通語 (Ton Futsūgo, literally meaning "potato i.e. rustic common language") by older speakers.

Truce term

The vocabulary of children's games, including truce terms, is described by sociolinguist Peter Trudgill in Dialects of England as being particularly rich in regional variation insofar as they are not based on official or television culture.