
unusual facts about Registrar General

Register office

Set up by Act of Parliament in 1837, the statutory registration service is overseen by the Registrar General as part of the General Register Office (now part of the Home Office Identity and Passport Service) but provided locally by the county or unitary local authority.

see also

7th Canadian Ministry

Sir Charles Tupper, Prime Minister, Secretary of State for Canada and Registrar-General.

Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

There, she joined the Office of the DPP and later the Attorney-General's Ministry as Crown Counsel, and also worked as a legal advisor for the Belize Police Department and as acting Registrar-General.

National Statistician

Following the implementation of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, the General Register Office continues to be part of a ministerially-accountable department, becoming a part of the Identity & Passport Service in the Home Office and the post of Registrar-General is now held by its head.

Nicholas Attygalle

Thereafter he served as Surgical Registrar, General Hospital (1932) and Senior Clinical Tutor (1933) before he was select to be trained as the Gynaecologist of the General Hospital, by the then Director, Health Services, Dr. Rupert Briercliffe.

Philip Edward Archer

Admitted a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Jurisdiction of England and Wales in 1957, he returned to Ghana and joined the office of the Registrar-General.

Richard Brinsley Knowles

Knowles, son of James Sheridan Knowles, a dramatist, was born at Glasgow and about 1838 held an appointment in the registrar-general's office, Somerset House, London.

Thomas Lister

Thomas Henry Lister (1800–1842), great-grandson of Thomas Lister (1688–1745), novelist and Registrar General