
unusual facts about Regius Professor

Ernest Trumpp

Later, Robert Needham recommended Ernest Trumpp, who was Regius Professor of Oriental Languages at the University of Munich and member of Royal Bavarian Academny of Sciences, to do the job of translation.

Robert J. T. Bell

On the 6 March 1916, Bell was elected to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, his proposers being George Alexander Gibson, Professor of Mathematics, Glasgow; the physicist Andrew Gray, Professor of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow; Robert Alexander Houstoun, and Diarmid Noel Paton, Regius Professor of Physiology, Glasgow (and eldest son of the artist Sir Joseph Noel Paton.)

see also

Flora Garry

She married Robert C. Garry, who was the first to use insulin in Scotland while a house doctor at Western Infirmary, Glasgow and who became Regius Professor of Physiology at the University of Glasgow.

Hugh Jones

Hugh Lloyd-Jones (1922–2009), British classical scholar and Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford University

Patrick Maxwell

Patrick H. Maxwell, Regius Professor of Physic at the University of Cambridge

Pierre Brasdor

He took his degree in Paris as master of surgery in 1752, and was appointed regius professor of anatomy and director of the Academy of Surgery.

Pusey, Oxfordshire

In 1753 the family built Pusey House (not to be confused with Pusey House, Oxford), where Edward Bouverie Pusey, English churchman and Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford, was born in 1800.

Richard Hunter

Richard L. Hunter (born 1953), Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge University

Roman Catholic Diocese of Cloyne

The Very Reverend Dr. Thady O'Brien, Regius Professor of Theology of the University of Toulouse and Rector of the Irish College Toulouse, born 12 March 1671 at Robertstown, Gortroe, in the diocese of Cloyne; oradined at Toulouse on 2 June 1703; Rector of the Irish College Tolouse 1706-1715; Parish Priest of Castlelyons 1715-1747; died 10 October 1747 at Castlelyons where he was interred.

Sir Thomas Molyneux, 1st Baronet

He married in 1694 Catherine Howard, daughter of Ralph Howard, at that time Regius Professor of Physic at Trinity College.

Tay Whale

The Regius professor of Anatomy at Aberdeen, John Struthers dissected the whale, much of the time in public with a military band playing in the background, organized by Woods.