Also in 1775, Carlini was commissioned by Dr William Hunter, first Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Academy schools, to make a cast of the flayed corpse of a recently executed smuggler.
The current and future classes include: Medical Science 1 and 2, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy.
The crocoduck is an imagined hybrid animal with the head of a crocodile and the body of a duck proposed by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.
Crelin was a member of the American Association of Anatomists, Sigma Xi, AAAS and AMA, served as associate editor of the Anatomical Record from 1968 to 1974 and was an editor for Gray's Anatomy
Edward Anthony Spitzka (June 17, 1876 – September 4, 1922) was an American anatomist who autopsied (29 Oct 1901) the brain of Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of president William McKinley.
The skill "Anatomy", which allowed the player to cause extra damage in melee combat, is replaced with "Parry", which has a chance of blocking incoming attacks.
He obtained many academic distinctions including two silver medals for Anatomy and Physiology, and both first and second class certificates for Chemistry, Histology and Pathology.
Born to a noble family, and educated, in Poland, he became Professor of Anatomy and Histology at the University College of Agriculture in Warsaw.
He was named Professor of Anatomy of the Bordeaux School of Medicine and continued his investigations in anthropology in other universities.
Leonard Hayflick (born May 20, 1928), Ph.D., is Professor of Anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, and was Professor of Medical Microbiology at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Following his retirement, Goldstein, and his wife, Lea, immigrated to Israel, where he joined Tel Aviv University and played an important role in developing research in the newly formed Department of Anatomy and Anthropology.
The Head of Departments of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics and all other full Professors, two senior-most Associate Professors, two senior-most Assistant Professors and two nominated representatives of students union are the members of the Council.
Born in Dallas, Texas, Andrew was the only child of Dr. Warren Andrew (1910–1982), who later chaired the Department of Anatomy at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, and Nancy Valerie Miellmier Andrew (1914–1993), later a secretary with the Indiana State Anatomical Board.
She often suggests that her mother, a teacher of Anatomy & Physiology, started the visual obsession with the human form, for the most part internally.
Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius's life typically shows both the new possibilities and the troubles that came with them.
Eventually Palay returned to Yale, where he was appointed first as an Instructor and then as an Assistant Professor of Anatomy, where he remained until his appointment as Chief of Neurocytology at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.
This proposal encountered opposition from Raja Ram Mohan Roy on 11 December, who suggested that the Government should promote a more liberal system of education consisting of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Anatomy and other subjects of science by employing educated European teachers.
The Regius professor of Anatomy at Aberdeen, John Struthers dissected the whale, much of the time in public with a military band playing in the background, organized by Woods.
He began as Assistant Professor in the departments of Neurology, Anatomy and Neurobiology, and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics.
Grey's Anatomy | Anatomy | anatomy | Gray's Anatomy | Anatomy of a Murder | Iris (anatomy) | The Anatomy of Melancholy | lens (anatomy) | horn (anatomy) | Grey’s Anatomy | colon (anatomy) | Axis (anatomy) | Wrangler: Anatomy of an Icon | With You I'm Born Again (Grey's Anatomy) | The Anatomy of a Moment | The Anatomy of Addiction | temple (anatomy) | ''P. otwayensis'' female: '''A''' Side view of Spider anatomy#Cephalothorax | Posterior (anatomy) | Philadelphia School of Anatomy | Orbit (anatomy) | nail (anatomy) | My Favorite Mistake (Grey's Anatomy) | Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy) | Lamella (anatomy) | Horn (anatomy) | Gross anatomy | Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack | Grey's Anatomy (soundtrack) | Grey's Anatomy (season 1) |
Ambe, in anatomy, is a superficial jutting out of a bone.
C.H. Danforth and Mildred Trotter of the Department of Anatomy at Washington University did a study using army soldiers of European origin where they concluded that dark-haired white men are generally more hairy than fair-haired white men.
His portrait (by William Beckwith McInnes) hangs in the Adelaide University's anatomy department.
The Anatomy of Wings, Karen Foxlee, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, ISBN 978-0-7022-3616-7
Having finished his studies at Leiden, he went to Paris, where, under the instruction of Sebastien Vaillant (1669–1722), Jacob Winslow (1669–1760) and others, he devoted himself especially to anatomy and botany.
Blunt-snouted dolphin (Platalearostrum hoekmani, "Albert Hoekman's spoon-rostrum") is a prehistoric pilot whale known from a single specimen (NMR-9991-00005362), consisting of a partial rostrum, partial maxilla, partial premaxilla, and partial vomer.
She sat the exams of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries in 1891 and passed with excellent marks in anatomy and physiology, and proceeded on to the final portion her studies at the University of London.
It was discovered by the Belgian Antarctic Expedition, 1897–99, under Gerlache, who named it "Cap Lacaze-Duthiers" for Félix Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers, a French naturalist and authority on the anatomy of mollusks.
Emil Rosenberg, working as professor, from 1876 to 1888, systematized the comparative-anatomy collections of the University of Dorpat in accordance with the system developed at the John Hunter Museum in London.
In addition to running the human anatomy program at Columbia University, April served for many years as a Republican and Conservative councilman in Rutherford, New Jersey.
George Britton Halford (26 November 1824 – 27 May 1910) was an English-born anatomist and physiologist, founder of the first medical school in Australia, University of Melbourne School of Medicine.
He was appointed professor of anatomy at New York University on the reorganisation of its medical department in 1840, a post he retained till his death on 12 November 1851.
Guaibasaurus was originally named on the basis of the holotype, MCN PV2355, a well-preserved partial postcranial skeleton and the paratype, MCN PV2356, an articulated and nearly complete left hindlimb, which were discovered in the "Sesmaria do Pinhal 2" locality near Candelária, Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, in the geopark of Paleorrota.
HRTF describes how a given sound wave input (parameterized as frequency and source location) is filtered by the diffraction and reflection properties of the head, pinna, and torso, before the sound reaches the transduction machinery of the eardrum and inner ear (see auditory system).
Two years later, Osborn took a special course of study in anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons and Bellevue Medical School of New York under Dr. William H. Welch, and subsequently studied embryology under Thomas Huxley as well as Francis Maitland Balfour at Cambridge University, England.
He and Henry Vandyke Carter produced an inexpensive and accessible anatomy textbook for medical students.
In Italy, Gasparo Tagliacozzi (1546–1599), professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Bologna, published Curtorum Chirurgia Per Insitionem (The Surgery of Defects by Implantations, 1597), a technico–procedural manual for the surgical repair and reconstruction of facial wounds in soldiers.
In 1824 he became professor of anatomy at the College of Surgeons, delivering four annual courses of twelve lectures on comparative anatomy, using the textbook of Carl Gustav Carus.
According to Nicolas Rothwell, Kulgera is derived from kalgka in the Pertam language of the mountains and that word "refers to a particularly private recess of a private part of the female anatomy".
It is known from the holotype MNHN-SAL 1024, skull missing the apex of the rostrum and the paratype MNHN-SAL 3, second skull missing the apex of the rostrum, recovered from the Salla, Department of La Paz, Bolivia.
In 1711 he was appointed professor of anatomy and surgery at the University of Altdorf, and from 1720, was a professor of anatomy and surgery at Helmstädt, where he remained for rest of his life.
She also studied anatomy at the Sorbonne and took classes at two independent art schools in Paris which admitted women, the Académie de la Grande Chaumière and the Académie Colarossi.
Tirelli was a specialist in the anatomy and biology of Bombyx mori the Mulberry silkmoth.
After leaving Cambridge Sheild held posts at St George's as anaesthetist and Westminster Hospital, culminating in a seven-year period at Charing Cross Hospital where he was assistant surgeon, aural surgeon, demonstrator of anatomy and lecturer in practical surgery.
During 1837 and 1838, the staff of the College was extended and enriched by the appointment of CC Eggerton as Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Nathaniel Wallich as Professor of Botany and R O'Shaughnessy as demonstrator of Anatomy.
His song, "Where We Gonna Go From Here?", was featured during the third season of Grey's Anatomy and on the first season finale of ABC Family's show Kyle XY.
A professor of vertebrate paleontology and of veterinary anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania, Dodson has also taught courses in geology, history, history and sociology of science, and religious studies.
He took his degree in Paris as master of surgery in 1752, and was appointed regius professor of anatomy and director of the Academy of Surgery.
Shofar, a horn and a musical instrument used for religious purposes
Etherington-Smith trained in medicine and became a demonstrator of anatomy at St Bartholomew's Hospital, having held the residential appointments, including that of House Surgeon.
In 1861 he became Professor of Comparative Anatomy at the University of Bologna
Examples of prominent Enlightenment scholars include: Sir Isaac Newton (physics and mathematics), René Descartes (philosophy), and Andreas Vesalius (anatomy).
The research facility is located in the Division of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery, Capital District Health Authority, and is affiliated with the Department of Biomed Engineering, School of Human Communication Disorders, the Department of Psychology, School of Physiotherapy, and the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Dalhousie University.
Upon graduating Harvard, Washburn accepted a position as associate professor of anatomy in Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, where he remained for eight years.
Working alongside industry notables such as Grey’s Anatomy’s Patrick Dempsey, recording artist Mario, and Imelda Staunton, Valens learned a great deal on set, reinforcing his desires to become a successful working actor.
"Even C-3PO has it, in the form of little pistons on his neck. Watch Star Trek: The good guys always have them, and the bad guys don't. It's a classic alien designer trick," notes biologist and Hollywood anatomy consultant Stuart Sumida.
Among those who gave classes were suffragist Louisa Lawson, explorer Ludwig Leichhardt and poet Henry Kendall, and subjects included art, mathematics, architecture, anatomy and simple surgery.
The Anatomy of Power is a 1983 book by Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith.
In 1889 he won their Royal Medal for his contributions both to cardiac physiology and to the anatomy and physiology of the sympathetic nervous system.
WAGR syndrome is a rare genetic syndrome in which affected children are predisposed to develop Wilms tumour (a tumour of the kidneys), Aniridia (absence of the coloured part of the eye, the iris), Genitourinary anomalies, and Retardation.
Hartwig turned to comparative cranial anatomy for his dissertation research, conducted at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
He obtained knowledge of anatomy by observing the different muscles while he shaved, and read about the sculpting work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Michelangelo and Auguste Rodin.
The Hall (other than the anatomy theatre) survived the Great Fire, but was destroyed by enemy bombing in the London Blitz.
The version of "The Anatomy of the Journey" that appears on this demo differs from its counterpart on Make Yourself Sick in one way: guitar distortion.
The zonule of Zinn (Zinn's membrane, ciliary zonule) (after Johann Gottfried Zinn) is a ring of fibrous strands connecting the ciliary body with the crystalline lens of the eye.