Regroup also has teamed with Datatel to offer a next-generation Emergency Messaging solution.
The Turkish forces managed to retreat and regroup beyond the Sakarya River.
Colonel Brooke’s troops withdrew, and Admiral Cochrane’s fleet sailed off to regroup before his next assault on the United States, the Battle of New Orleans.
The first would be to give themselves time to regroup their forces, find a weak point or two to exploit (not necessarily in the lower part of the Dnieper), stage a breakthrough and encircle the German defenders, rendering the defence line next to useless (very much like the German Panzers bypassed the Maginot line in 1940).
Luz managed to regroup with his company the next day and assisted in the taking of Carentan.
He managed to withdraw his unit under heavy pressure from numerically-superior enemy and regroup it, only to take part in the Battle of Warsaw in mid-August.
Recognizing the need to regroup, Narváez sent the four remaining ships to Cienfuegos under command of Cabeza de Vaca.
King James II persuaded Pope John XXII to permit him to regroup the Templar properties in Aragon and Valencia, and to create a new military order not essentially differing from that of the Templars, which should be charged with the defence of the frontier against the Moors and the pirates.
They continue to regroup from time to time and have released three studio albums and a live CD from their shows in Paris, Berlin and Tokyo.
Though, he quickly pulled back to Lonato del Garda, the defeat prompted Quasdanovich to regroup his troops at Gavardo.
Facing multiple deaths in the family and mounting day job pressures, they completed a short but successful tour with The Most Serene Republic in spring 2008 and decided to regroup.
On May 28 troops managed to capture Udupiddy and Valvettithurai, and another column (commandos, under the command of Maj. Sarath Handapangoda) captured Nelliady and advanced towards Point Pedro without giving LTTE units time to regroup.