
unusual facts about Relativism

Svend Aage Madsen

The change to the next phase of his work was, according to him, a shift from "anti-art" to "anti-anti-art", which accepted the result of the first phase: "that reality can not be described", but that one may attempt to build a meaningful literature from a relativistic stance.

Ausonio Franchi

Combining Kant's phenomenalism and Comte's positivism, he falls into a sort of relativism and agnosticism.

Desmond Connell

Connell had been a supporter of the Holy Office's declaration Dominus Iesus in 2000, applauding its opposition to relativism.

John Hick

Ratzinger had examined the works of several theologians accused of relativism, such as Jacques Dupuis and Roger Haight, and found that many, if not all, were philosophically inspired by Hick.

Karen Barad

She uses Michael Frayn's play, Copenhagen, as an example of the kind of moral relativism that she finds problematic.

Moral relativism

Sterling Harwood, "Taking Ethics Seriously -- Moral Relativism versus Moral Realism" in Sterling Harwood, ed.

see also