
unusual facts about Religious Zionist

Garin Torani

At that point, the idea of building up the people and hearts of Israel, and not only the physical landmarks, took hold as part of the Religious Zionist vision.

Manhigut Yehudit

While Feiglin and his supporters remained optimistic about his chances of winning the position, in the last weeks before the primary there were calls from both the center-right and the Religious Zionist movement for him to withdraw from the race.

Yaakov Amidror

Amidror was selected to draw up the list of candidates for the Religious Zionist The Jewish Home party in the lead-up to the elections for the 18th Knesset.

Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim

The yeshiva encourages and offers leadership training seminars and is affiliated with the Yeshiva University Israel yeshiva program, particularly for those from a Modern Orthodox and Religious Zionist background.

see also

Garin Torani

The phrase is used today, in Israel, to refer to a group of idealistic, religious zionist individuals and families who try to effect social and religious development in underdeveloped communities.


Today the moshav consists of 140 families with over 700 residents, including ultra-orthodox and orthodox Jewish residents of both Sephardic and Ashkenazi backgrounds who lead a "religious-Zionist lifestyle".