Following baptism, Latter Day Saints receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of a Melchizedek Priesthood holder.
Religious Zionism | Religious Tract Society | Religious Studies | religious order | Religious Freedom Restoration Act | Hermitage (religious retreat) | Religious education | Religious conversion | religious conversion | new religious movement | Workplace Religious Freedom Act | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom | Religious studies | Religious order | religious music | religious broadcasting | Presidency of Religious Affairs | National Society for Promoting Religious Education | Mizrachi (religious Zionism) | Heaven's Gate (religious group) | Conversion to Judaism | Conversion to Christianity | Anglican religious order | Type conversion | Religious vows | religious vows | religious name | Religious ministry | Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act | religious fanaticism |
1981 Meenakshipuram conversion was a 1981 Indian controversy regarding the conversion of hundreds of Hindu Pallars to Islam in the village of Meenakshipuram in Tamilnadu state.
The Canadian Presbyterian missionary George Mackay remained in his house in Tamsui during the French bombardment, refusing to take shelter aboard the British gunboat HMS Cockchafer anchored off Tamsui, because he could not take his Formosan converts with him.
It is recorded in the Bible that Paul the Apostle, who started out as a Jewish persecutor of the Church, underwent sudden conversion on the way to Damascus when Jesus Christ appeared to him in a vision.
Given permission to settle by local tribes after having killed a dangerous python, they converted to Islam and married local women.
Gonzáles converted to Islam in 2003 and took the Islamic name Mustafa Habibi.
Ivan Sergeyevich Gagarin (born in Moscow, 1 August 1814; died in Paris, 19 July 1882) was a Russian Jesuit, known also as Jean-Xavier after his conversion to Catholicism.
He is credited for leading the Chinese-Canadian film actor and rapper, Edison Chen, in a religious-conversion experience to Christianity.
In May 2006 an Israeli newspaper accused Schudrich of participating in a conversion where one of the participant rabbis, Haim Drukman, falsely signed his presence.
After talking with Dr. William D. Silkworth, however, he went to Calvary Rescue Mission and underwent a religious conversion; he was then admitted to the Charles B. Towns Hospital for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in New York City on December 11, 1934.
Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Baedeker, cousin of Karl Baedeker, the famous travel guides editor, attended one of these meetings and experienced a religious conversion.
One notable achievement of this revival was the religious conversion of Burslem-born William Clowes (1780-1851), the other joint founder of Primitive Methodism.
Prior to her role on SVU, Gillies appeared in "Bad Girl," an episode of the original Law & Order series, playing a young woman who murders an undercover police officer and then undergoes a religious conversion during her trial and is born again.
After marrying fellow entertainer Bruce Lynch she moved to London, England where she worked as a session musician until she became a regular part of Cat Stevens' vocal group and appeared on several of his albums until he gave up recording after a religious conversion.