Rensis Likert, an American educator and organizational psychologist best known for his research on management styles
In the early 20th century, people like Ordway Tead (1891–1973), Walter Scott and J. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to management, while other writers, such as Elton Mayo (1880–1949), Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933), Chester Barnard (1886–1961), Max Weber (1864–1920), Rensis Likert (1903–1981), and Chris Argyris (* 1923) approached the phenomenon of management from a sociological perspective.
The Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board Test (RMPFBT) of Rensis Likert and William Howard Quasha (1941, 1970, 1995) assesses spatial-visual intelligence.
Rensis Likert | Likert scale | Likert |
the Likert scale developed by Rensis Likert, a measuring device used in quantitative social science