
unusual facts about Reparations

Andrew McFadyean

In 1929 the Dawes Plan was replaced by the Young Plan, with which he had no direct part, and this aimed at a final settlement of reparations.

The Dawes Committee, for which McFadyean was secretary, instituted the Dawes Plan, which proposed that reparations should be paid, but without distorting rates of exchange.

August Borms

The Nazi military governor Alexander von Falkenhausen established a "Reparations Committee" to investigate alleged atrocities against First World War collaborators by the Belgian government and distribute compensation to them.

Balfour Note

Balfour claimed that the British government had reluctantly decided that the loans that those countries had received from HM Treasury should be paid back and that reparations from Germany should be collected due to the need for Britain to pay its creditors, the United States.

Bertil Ohlin

In 1929 he debated with John Maynard Keynes, contradicting the latter's view on the consequences of the heavy war reparations payments imposed on Germany.

Canon de 75 mle GP III

Cockerill mounted a sleeve in the barrels of ex-German 7.7 cm FK 16 guns received as reparations after World War I to convert them to the standard Belgian 75mm ammunition.

Canon de 75 mle GP1

Cockerill mounted lengthened Canon de 75 mle TR barrels on ex-German 10.5 cm leFH 16 howitzer carriages received as reparations after World War I. After 1940, the Wehrmacht designated captured guns as the 7.5 cm FK 233(b) and used them to equip occupation units in Belgium.

Canon de 75 mle GP11

Cockerill mounted lengthened Canon de 75 mle TR barrels on ex-German 7.7 cm FK 16 gun carriages received as reparations after World War I. After 1940, the Wehrmacht designated captured guns as the 7.5 cm FK 234(b) and used them to equip occupation units in Belgium.

FVA-1 Schwatze Düvel

After World War I aviation in Germany was seriously curtailed with swingeing reparations and very tight regulation.

IBP, Inc. v. Alvarez

Workers for the Iowa Beef Processors, Inc. (IBP, Inc.), now known as Tyson Foods, Inc., filed a class-action lawsuit requesting reparations for unpaid wages.

Jean-Pierre Coopman

His skills were put to use, among other things, in reparations of the medieval churches of Belgium--most notably, Saint Nicholas' Church in Ghent.

Kama tank school

This attitude changed however in 1923, when French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr area after Germany defaulted on its reparations.

Kawanishi K-7 Transport Seaplane

The aircraft was powered by a single Maybach Mb.IVa water-cooled inline-engine providing 305 hp (228 kW), an engine type usually used to power Zeppelins or R-planes (Riesenflugzeuge like the Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI), received as part of Germany's reparations to Japan after the end of the First World War.

Mike D'Orso

Like Judgment Day explores the 1923 destruction of the rural black community of Rosewood, Florida, and the survivors' and descendants' legal pursuit of monetary reparations seventy years later.

Peddimore Hall

In 1288, the owners of Peddimore Hall were allowed by the Earl of Warwick, William de Beauchamp to fish in Ebrook (now Plants Brook) on his land, allow his pigs to roam in the woods and was allowed to remove timber for building reparations.

Považský hrad

From this moment the castle was left of peoples interest until it was bought in 2007 by Považská Bystrica and voluntary organization "Zdruzenie na zachranu Povazskeho hradu " did not start essential reparations on it.

Princeton Lyman

In January, 2010, Lyman weighed in in opposition to using the U.S. Alien Tort Statute in federal court to gain reparations for South African workers, from corporations who operated in South Africa during the apartheid era.

Reparations for slavery

A paper Presented to the First Pan-African Congress on Reparations, Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria, 27-29 April 1993.

Hilary Beckles, Britain's Black Debt: Reparations for Caribbean Slavery and Native Genocide, University of the West Indies Press, 2012.

In 2011, Antigua & Barbuda called for reparations at the United Nations, saying "that segregation and violence against people of African descent had impaired their capacity for advancement as nations, communities and individuals".

Robert C. Richardson, Jr.

By now a temporary Lt Colonel, Richardson was Liaison Officer with Headquarters, 1st Army for the opening of Meuse-Argonne Offensive and the Operations Officer Representative at Advance G.H.Q. With the end of hostilities, now a temporary colonel, Richardson joined the Reparations Board, Peace Commission, Paris from January 28 to February 28, 1919.

Shpëtim Idrizi

On December 10, 2012, Idrizi, and Dashamir Tahiri presented to the Parliament of Albania a resolution where PDIU asked from Greece reparations in the amount of 10 Billion Euros for the Expulsion of Cham Albanians.

Todd MacCulloch

In an episode of Chappelle's Show, in a skit where African Americans get their reparations, the Philadelphia 76ers play the New York Knicks but none of the black players are playing, so MacCulloch plays one-on-one, beating Travis Knight.

Treaty of Nanking

British troops would remain in Gulangyu and Zhoushan until the Qing government had paid reparations in full (Article XII).

War reparations

According to the Paris Peace Treaties, 1947, Italy agreed to pay reparations of about US$125 million to Yugoslavia, US$105 million to Greece, US$100 million to the Soviet Union, US$25 million to Ethiopia, and US$5 million to Albania.

World War I reparations

The British economic historian Niall Ferguson in his 1998 book The Pity of War argued that Germany could have paid reparations had there been the political will.

Under the Hoover Moratorium of June 1931 issued by the American president Herbert Hoover, which was designed to deal with the world-wide financial crisis caused by the bankruptcy of the Creditanstalt in May 1931, Germany ceased paying reparations.

Therefore, the treaty required Bulgaria to pay a total sum equivalent of 2.250 billion Gold francs in reparations.

Historian Martin Kitchen argues that the impression the country was crippled by the reparations was a myth.

see also