
unusual facts about Replicas of the Jewish Temple

Bijbels Museum

There are also some replicas of the ancient Jewish Temple, including models of Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple, as well as a 19th-century model of the Tabernacle, a reconstruction of the sacred shrine housing the Ark of the Covenant described in the Hebrew Bible, which the Israelites carried with them during their exile in the desert under the leadership of Moses.

Morse Auditorium

Built in 1906 as Temple Israel, the edifice was intended by the architect and congregation as a replica of Solomon's Temple.

Palestine Park

Small hills represent biblical landmarks such as Mount Tabor and the Mount of Olives, with markers representing sites of biblical significance including Jacob's Well, Jericho, Bethsaida and a scale model of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus complete with a small replica of the ancient Jewish Temple.

see also