
unusual facts about Republic of Poljica

Gata, Croatia

Gata is a part of the historical Republic of Poljica, and up until the end of the Republic it was the place where the prince of Poljica was elected every year on the day of their patron Saint George.

Poljica Statute

The Poljica Statute, from 1440, is the most important historical source for the Republic of Poljica.

All redactions occurred at turning points when the Republic of Poljica needed to recognize a new ruler.


Vrlika was first mentioned in written sources in 1069, as the seat of Cetin County (Cetinska županija) - the old Croatian county, which included the towns of: Glavaš, Prozor, Sinj, Trilj, Stolac, Gradac, Nutjak, Tugare and Poljic parish (Poljička župa).

see also