
unusual facts about Reservist

John C. Broger

In his young life Broger, a graduate from Southern California Bible College, became a missionary practicing his faith in Southeast Asia after serving as a Naval Reservist and Warrant Officer in the Intelligence and Electronics Branch on the aircraft carrier Bon Homme Richard.


Reservist | reservist |

Ansar, Lebanon

An Israel Army reservist who had served at Ansar was quoted in the newspaper Maariv claiming the camp was sitting on top of an underground tunnel system.

Battle of the Imjin River

The British soldiers were a mixture of regular soldiers, reservists and conscripted National servicemen.

Gordon Jay Quist

In 2009, Quist reversed a ruling he had earlier made denying an American reservist the right to sue for relief after agents of Deutsche Bank had illegally foreclosed on the reservist's house (in violation of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act).

Julius Malema

In early 2010, Malema urged ANC Youth League members to join the South African National Defence Force, and said that there were plans for the Youth League leadership to join the reservist programme.

Nikos Vakalis

He served as a reservist officer (head of Faculty) in the Artillery.

Paul Bergrin

He also defended Javal Davis (who was charged along with Lynndie England) an Army reservist from Roselle, NJ who in 2005 admitted abusing detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, as well as PFC Corey R. Clagett who was convicted in the Iron Triangle Murders.

PrĂ¡xedis Guerrero

In 1901, Filomeno Mata appointed him a correspondent on Diario del Hogar and, that same year, he enlisted as a reservist in the National Army, where he reached the rank of second lieutenant (cavalry).

Sagay, Negros Occidental

On July 26, 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States of America ordered a national mobilization in the Philippines and on August 23, 1942, the first group of reservist in Negros were called on duty by virtue of Philippine Army HQ order of August 4 and they were trained here.

see also