She became director of planning for the municipality of Resistencia, Chaco in 1980 and also began to teach in her field at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste in Resistencia.
Born in Resistencia, Chaco, in a traditional family, Carrió was a former teenage beauty queen.
In 1935, Carola Lorenzini set a South American altitude record of 5,500 m (18,040 ft) in an AeC.3, and another aircraft of this type was flown by Santiago Germanó to win the aerobatics prize at the Resistencia air meet the same year.
Hugo Raúl Carballo (born April 23, 1944 in Resistencia, Argentina - died September 30, 1998 in Resistencia, Argentina) is an former Argentine naturalized Chilean footballer currently played for clubs of Argentina and Chile.
Juan Manuel Silva (born October 12, 1972 in Resistencia, Chaco), nicknamed el Pato ("the Duck") is an Argentine racing driver.
Campbell (1997) writes that in 1981 there was an unconfirmed report that Lule is still spoken by 5 families in Resistencia in east-central Chaco Province.
Curletti graduated as a librarian from the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Resistencia in 1966 and in economics from the same institution in 1973.
Its access via highways includes National Route 11 (north to south), National Route 16 (westbound), and the General Belgrano Bridge, which has connected Resistencia to its twin port city of Corrientes since 1973.
Resistencia, Chaco | Resistencia | Resistencia Nacional | Fuerzas Armadas de la Resistencia Nacional |
videoclips for GNR, Rádio Macau, Madredeus, Resistência, Capitão Fantasma, LX90, Rão Kiao, Black Company, Djamal, Terrakota, The Legendary Tigerman, Bullet, No Data, DJ Vibe/Ithaka.